Dirty Mattress Health Hazards!


Dirty Mattress Health Hazards!

Your mattress has a huge impact on almost everything that happens to you in life. Your overall health, your energy levels, your physical comfort, your mental health, and your capacity for stress can all vary depending on whether or not your mattress is the perfect fit for you. And despite the fact that we sleep on one every night, mattresses can be super easy to ignore for years and years at a time. 

Dirty Mattress Health Hazards! 

Unfortunately, mattresses are the perfect home for different pests, mites, parasites, and allergens. In order to find out what might be lurking in or on your mattress, you should follow this small but important guide by our Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners. Stay aware of these dirty mattress health hazards and invest in better quality sleep before it starts to have a negative impact on your health! 

Bed Bugs

They are dreaded creatures, but unfortunately, bed bugs are very commonly found in and around mattresses. Anyone living in a big city has probably dealt with these pests before. Bed bugs love to live inside of mattresses, especially old and dirty ones. At night they will bite and feed on any human sleeping nearby. 

Bed bugs are parasites, which makes them even more difficult to get rid of than normal bugs. A bed that has become infested with bed bugs likely needs to be completely thrown out. 

Dust Mites

Another often-feared-but-rarely-seen creature that likes to live inside mattress furniture, dust mites can wreak havoc on anybody’s health. Dust mites are invisible to the naked eye, but those tiny creatures are all around you when you sleep. 

Dust mites feed off of dead skin cells, which we shed over 500 million of them per day - mostly onto our beds. Dust mites will gather by the hundreds of thousands to feed on the dead skin cells that are bound to be piled up on your dirty mattress. 

Bad Chemicals

You may not realize that old mattresses are laden with harsh chemicals that might be releasing fumes into the air as you sleep. You could be breathing in toxic air while you dream, contributing to an overall decline in your health. Mattresses made from polyurethane chemicals are the most likely to emit nasty fumes, which worsen over time. This is not so much a concern for adults as it is for children, who are not meant to inhale such high levels of chemicals like these. 

Lots of Mold and Bacteria

We hate to say it, but mattresses are a breeding place for different types of bacteria and mold. Not only do insects love the environment that a dirty bed offers, but fungi and bacteria love it as well. Certain bacteria such as MRSA and norovirus are dangerous and can cause major health conditions like UTIs, skin infections, and other viral symptoms. 

If you feel that you are getting sick a lot and you don’t know why, or you aren’t getting a full night of sleep, you should get in touch with your mattress specialists ASAP. It is very likely that your mattress is too old to continue supporting your best health interests. 

Replace Your Mattress or Invest in Professional Cleaning Before It’s Too Late!

We are often too terrified to even think about what could be lurking on and in our mattresses, but addressing it is a matter of utmost health. If you have been holding onto your bed for a while, it may be time to consider your only options: get a new mattress, or sign up for professional mattress cleaning in Beverly Hills. After your consultation with our experts, we can help you determine exactly what your mattress needs to be restored to like-new conditions. Get rid of unhealthy pests, bugs, and mites when you get in touch with Beverly Hills Carpet Cleaners today! 


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