Role of a Building Facade


Role of a Building Facade

If you are thinking of redesigning the exterior of your home, you can’t forget about the facade. This centrally located but often overlooked part of the home can speak volumes about your style, design, and budgetary choices. Not to mention, a facade just has a lot of character. It is the easiest way to add some personality and uniqueness to your home without breaking the bank. 

Role of a Building Facade

Below, our Neolith pros will help you understand the multi-faceted role of a building facade. You can browse our collection of solid and ventilated facades for inspiration into your next exterior design.

Pick Your Side

The facade usually sits on one side of the building, whether that be the front or the side. Your facade will want to be a part of the side that faces the most people or hovers over a grand entryway. This is also a great way for people to show off their architectural uniqueness and talent for designing something that nobody else quite has. 

Depending on the prominence of your facade’s location, it can provide a lot of benefits to you and your home. What many people believe is that a facade is only for aesthetic value; it’s actually a lot more than that!

Stay Energy Efficient

The right kind of facade can effectively save energy by connecting the interior and the exterior of the house in a much more efficient way. In fact, building facades can reduce your energy bill by assisting in the collection and use of solar power. They can also keep buildings cooler, requiring less energy when the internal HVAC systems come on. You will find it so much easier to keep your building cool while using less energy to keep it that way. Facades are a great way to cut back on your monthly bills. 

Protect Your Walls 

It can be difficult to deal with the outside world in terrible weather. Even the inside of your home can start to suffer damage when the rain or snow just doesn’t let up. In those times of the extreme temperature and climate change, you will be grateful to have a facade that can keep you protected from the elements. 

Our popular facade options can significantly protect your building against corrosion, weathering, erosion, and water damage. It can even keep your building from having its colors fade after spending years under the beating sun.   

Remain Secure Against Threats

Did you know that your facade can even assist you in protecting your home against burglary and vandalism? You can design your facade in a way that covers the openings to your house more securely, making it difficult for someone to get in without a key. Facades are known to work better than traditional cages and bars on the windows. 

Not to mention it looks a lot better, too! Now you can double down on your security while also enjoying a unique part of the building that nobody else on your street has. A facade might make you feel more comfortable, which can lead to increased productivity and happiness as well. 

Give Your House Life with a Facade!

It is easy to see the numerous benefits that can come with the addition of a building facade. Whether you are in the market for an architectural revamp or you simply want something that can keep your home protected and insulated, let our Neolith pros help you find the perfect fit for the face of your building. You can also get assistance with additional renovation projects by inquiring about our stone facades and sintered stone countertops price ranges today. 

Your home isn’t complete without a new facade. Reach out to us today to learn more about how you can turn this dream into a reality!  



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